====== EO4Nutri Dataset documentation ====== This page has been developed by EO4Nutri team with the purpose of documenting the datasets generated by the project. The metadata description presented here was developed inspired by a combination of [[https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=8826|OGC]] and [[https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/documents/inspire-metadata-implementing-rules-technical-guidelines-based-en-iso-19115-and-en-iso-1|INSPIRE]] directives for metadata, selecting the most relevant fields for the EO4Nutri project. The storage of our database is split into two spaces. The images used by the project are stored in an FTP server, which can be accessed publicly in [[https://ftp.itc.nl/pub/EO4Nutri]]. The vector data and field measurements are stored in a PostGIS database, which can be accessed through the GIS system of your preference. __**Contact (responsible party): r.v.maretto@utwente.nl, m.belgiu@utwente.nl**__ The complete metadata can be found at: * Documentation of PRISMA images available at: [[prisma|Description of PRISMA Images]] * Documentation of ENMAP images available at: [[enmap|Description of ENMAP Images]] * The documentation of the crop samples is available at: [[crop_samples|]] * The documentation of the soil samples is available at: [[soil_samples|]] * The documentation of the indirect measurements is available at: [[indirect_samples|]] and [[indirect_samples_Germany|Indirect Measurements - Winter Wheat (Germany)]] and [[indirect_samples_MA_Germany|Indirect Measurements - Maize (Germany)]] The description of the fields that compose the metadata and how they were defined can be found at: * Metadata description and guidelines for [[satelite_images_guidelines|Satellite Images]] * Metadata description and guidelines for [[vector_data_guidelines|Vector Data]] * Metadata description and guidelines for [[spectral_data_guidelines|Spectral Data]] * Metadata description and guidelines for [[crop_soil_samples|Properties of soil and crop samples (field or laboratory)]]