Crop samples, soil samples, and measured properties (field or laboratory) through wet properties

Metadata elements for documenting crop samples, soil samples, and measured properties either in the field or laboratory through wet chemistry.

Source: OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20: Observations, measurements, and samples

Metadata element Description Example
Unique identifier Unique metadata identifier: e.g. UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
sampledFeature Material sample: e.g. soil, leaf sample, stem sample, grain sample Soil samples for the field cultivated with rice
sourceLocation Where the sample was collected Jolanda Di Savoia, Ferrara; XY coordinates (Coordinates UTM-EPSG:32632)
storageLocation Where the sample is stored University of Milano Bicocca
samplingTime When the sample was collected April 2023
size Sample size (e.g. weight in g)
SamplingProcedure How the samples was collected or prepared The samples have been collected from 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) (10 ESU in total) and in each ESU, there are 4 plots each of 15*15 m.<br>For each plot, 5 soil samples were collected with a core cotter. These 5 samples were mixed together forming a unique soil sample per plot. Collected soil samples belonged to the top layer of the surface (15-20 cm)
Procedure The analysis method: e.g. ICP-EOS instrument extraction with barium chloride or ammonium acetate solution and determination by atomic absorption spectroscopy-FAAS
observedProperty The analysed property (e.g. generally concentration of a constituent) Ca2+
result The result of the analysis Measured values
unit of measurement reference quantity chosen from a unit equivalence group cmol(+) kg-1
resultTime Analysis date 15.03.2024