Indirect Measurements - Winter Wheat (Germany)

Unique identifier Sampled Feature Source Location Storage Location sampling Time Size Sampling Procedure Procedure observedProperty Result Unit of Measurement Result Time
2023_MNI_Pheno - Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 - Pheno was measured in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. The leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) was qualitatively determined as the average of the four plots. Phenology (Pheno) Determined Values - April - July 2023
2023_MNI_CH - Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 - CH was measured in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total CH were measured at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The crop height (CH) was measured with a standard measurement scale at every sample point per plot. Crop Height (CH) Measured Values cm April - July 2023
2023_MNI_LCC - Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 - LCC was measured in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total LCC were measured at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) was measured with a chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502Plus, Minolta Camera Co., Osaka, Japan) as the average of 15 leaf readings per plot (5 leaves per sample point). Leaf Chlorophyll Content (LCC) Measured Values ug cm-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_LAI - Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 - LAI was measured in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total LAI were measured at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The leaf area index (LAI) was measured with LAI-2200 instrument (LI-COR, Inc., Nebraska, USA). In each plot, 12 readings below the canopy (B) were acquired between 2 readings above the canopy (A). The 12 B-readings were taken around the sample points in each plot. Leaf Area Index (LAI) Measured Values m2 m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_EWT leaf Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 Dept. of Geogr. - LMU April - July 2023 2 leaves Leaves were collected in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total 2 leaves were collected at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). Fresh leaves were weighted using an analytical scale (0.0001 g sensitivity). Then, leaf discs were oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h and re-weighted using the same analytical scale. EWT was computed as the difference between fresh and dry weight divide by the total leaf area. Equivalent Water Thickness (EWT) Laboratory analysis cm April - July 2023
2023_MNI_CWC leaf Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 Dept. of Geogr. - LMU April - July 2023 2 leaves Leaves were collected in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total 2 leaves were collected at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The canopy water content (CWC) was up-scaled from EWT multiplied by LAI. Canopy Water Content (CWC) Calculated values cm April - July 2023
2023_MNI_LMA leaf Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 Dept. of Geogr. - LMU April - July 2023 2 leaves Leaves were collected in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total 2 leaves were collected at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The leaf mass per area (LMA) was calculated as the dry weight of leaf discs (oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h) divided by the total leaf area. Leaf Mass Area (LMA) Laboratory analysis g cm-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_N Plant samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 Dept. of Geogr. - LMU April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Leaves were collected in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total 2 leaves were collected at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The total Nitrogen content (N%) was measured by dry combustion with an elemental analyzer (vario EL cube; elementar, Langenselbold, Germany). Nitrogen (N%) Laboratory analysis % April - July 2023
2023_MNI_N_leaf leaf Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 Dept. of Geogr. - LMU April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Leaves were collected in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total 2 leaves were collected at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The leaf Nitrogen content (LNC) was calculated from N% multiplied by dry biomass divided by 100. Leaf Nitrogen Content (LNC) Laboratory analysis g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_C Plant samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 Dept. of Geogr. - LMU April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Leaves were collected in one Elementary Sampling Unit (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m. In total 2 leaves were collected at 12 sample points (3 sample points in every plot). The leaf Nitrogen content (LNC) was calculated from C% multiplied by dry biomass divided by 100. Carbon (C%) Laboratory analysis % April - July 2023
2023_MNI_freshBM_total Plant samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). The fresh weight of sampled plants was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Total Fresh Biomass (BMfresh) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_dryBM_total Plant samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). Plant organs (stems, leaves and panicles when available) were oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of organs was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Total Dry Biomass (BMdry) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_freshBM_stem Stem samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). The fresh weight of stems was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Stem Fresh Biomass (Stem_BMfresh) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_freshBM_leaf Leaf samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). The fresh weight of leaves was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Leaf Fresh Biomass (Leaf_BMfresh) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_dryBM_stem Stem samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). Stems were oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of stems was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Stem Dry Biomass (Stem_BMdry) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_dryBM_leaf Leaf samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). Leaves were oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of leaves was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Leaf Dry Biomass (Leaf_BMdry) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_wetBM_panicles Panicle samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). The fresh weight of panicles was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Panicle Fresh Biomass (Panicle_BMfresh) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_dryBM_panicles Panicle samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). Panicles were oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of panicles was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Panicle Dry Biomass (Panicle_BMdry) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_wetBM_grain Grain samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. Grains were separated from panicles through an automatic huller. The fresh weight of grains was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Grain Fresh Biomass (Grain_BMfresh) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023
2023_MNI_dryBM_grain Grain samples Munich, Germany; Latitude: 48.285076<br> Longitude: 11.713369 - April - July 2023 0.25 m2 Plant samples were collected in one Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 45×45 m size. For the whole ESU, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.25 m2) were cut right above the root collar. Grains were separated from panicles through an automatic huller. Grains were oven-dried at 65 °C for 48 h.The dry weight of grains was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. Grain Dry Biomass (Grain_BMdry) Measured Values g m-2 April - July 2023