Unique Identifier | Sampled Feature | Source Location | Storage Location | sampling Time | Size | Sampling Procedure | Procedure | observedProperty | Result | Unit of Measurement | Result Time |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LWC | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | Fresh leaf discs were weighted using an analytical scale (0.0001 g sensitivity). Then, leaf discs were oven-dried at 70-80 °C for 24 h and re-weighted using the same analytical scale. LWC was computed as the difference between fresh and dry weight divide by the total leaf discs surface. | LWC | Laboratory analysis | g cm-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_CWC | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The canopy water content (CWC) was up-scaled from LWC multiplied by LAI and converted to g m-2 through a factor of 10000. | CWC | Calculated values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LMA | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The leaf mass per area (LMA) was calculated as the dry weight of leaf discs (oven-dried at 80 °C for 48 h) divided by the total leaf discs surface. | LMA | Laboratory analysis | g cm-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LAI | - | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | - | April-October 2023 | - | LAI was measured in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. | The leaf area index (LAI) was measured with LAI2200 instrument (LI-COR, Inc., Nebraska, USA). In each plot, 8 readings below the canopy (B) were acquired between 2 readings above the canopy (A). The 8 B-readings were taken on random positions, roughly drawing a cross inside the plot. | LAI | Measured values | m2 m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_ALIA | - | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | - | April-October 2023 | - | ALIA was measured in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each of them divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. | The average leaf inclination angle (ALIA) was measured with LAI2200 instrument (LI-COR, Inc., Nebraska, USA). In each plot, 8 readings below the canopy (B) were acquired between 2 readings above the canopy (A). The 8 B-readings were taken on random positions, roughly drawing a cross inside the plot. | ALIA | Measured values | ° | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LCC | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The leaf chlorophyll content was measured with a chlorophyll meter (MC-100, Apogee Instruments, Inc., Logan, Utah, USA) as the average of 20 leaf readings per plot. | LCC | Measured values | ug cm-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_CCC | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The canopy chlorophyll content (CCC) was up-scaled from LCC multiplied by LAI and converted to g m-2 through a factor of 0.01. | CCC | Calculated values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_N% | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The total Nitrogen content (N%) was measured by dry combustion with an elemental analyzer (Flash EA 1112 NC-Soil; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). | N_PERC_DISC | Laboratory analysis | % | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_C% | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The total Carbon content (C%) were measured by dry combustion with an elemental analyzer (Flash EA 1112 NC-Soil; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). | C_PERC_DISC | Laboratory analysis | % | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_CNratio | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The Carbon-to-Nitrogen ration was calculated as the ratio between total total Carbon C% and Nitrogen N%. | C_N_RATIO | Laboratory analysis | - | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LNC | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The leaf Nitrogen content (LNC) was calculated from N% multiplied by LMA divided by 100. | LNC | Calculated values | g cm-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_CNC | 20 leaf discs | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | CNR - IREA | April-October 2023 | (20 * 0.3167 cm2 = ) 6.334 cm2 | Leaf discs were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, 20 leaf discs were sampled from 10 leaves, randomly distributed within the plot. The 20 leaf discs were stored together in a single Eppendorf for each plot. | The canopy Nitrogen content (CNC) was up-scaled from LNC multiplied by LAI and converted to g m-2 through a factor of 10000. | CNC | Calculated values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_TFB | Plant samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | - | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | The fresh weight of sampled plants was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | TOTAL_FRESH_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_TDB | Plant samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | - | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | Plant organs (stems, leaves and panicles when available) were oven-dried at 70-80 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of organs was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | TOTAL_DRY_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_SFB | Stem samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | - | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | The fresh weight of stems was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | STEM_FRESH_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LFB | Leaf samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | - | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | The fresh weight of leaves was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | LEAF_FRESH_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_SDB | Stem samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | Rothamsted Labs | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | Stems were oven-dried at 70-80 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of stems was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | STEM_DRY_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_LDB | Leaf samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | Rothamsted Labs | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | Leaves were oven-dried at 70-80 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of leaves was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | LEAF_DRY_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_PDB | Panicle samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | Rothamsted Labs | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. The plants were manually separated into stems, leaves and panicles (when present). | Panicles were oven-dried at 70-80 °C for 48 h. The dry weight of panicles was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | PANICLE_DRY_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_GDB | Grain samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | Rothamsted Labs | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. Grains were separated from panicles through an automatic huller. | The dry weight of grains was measured with a scale and up-scaled to a squared meter. | GRAIN_DRY_BIOMASS | Measured values | g m-2 | April-October 2023 |
2023_EO4NUTRI_GPC | Grain samples | Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 | Rothamsted Labs | April-October 2023 | 0.5 m2 | Plant samples were collected in 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU), each one divided into 4 plots of 15×15 m2 size. For each plot, all the plants inside a squared frame with a known area (A = 0.5 m2) were cut right above the root collar. Grains were separated from panicles through an automatic huller. | The total Nitrogen content (%) of dried grains was measured using NIR technology and up-scaled to a squared meter. | GPC_PERC | Measured values | % | April-October 2023 |