ID_Image | ID_Sensor | Study area | FTPÂ folder | File name | BBox (top-left, bottom-right) | Acquisition Date/Time | Level Preprocessing | Spatial Reference (SRID) | Tile Reference | Lineage | File Link |
PRS_20230304 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230304_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4990510, 713160; 4951930, 752790 | 2023/03/04:10:20:47 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.0 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230407 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230407_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4991680, 713820; 4954300, 751950 | 2023/04/07:10:07:29 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.0 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230524 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230524_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4999390, 723270; 4961350, 761940 | 2023/05/24:10:17:29 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230703 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230703_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4998970, 724170; 4961590, 762450 | 2023/07/03:10:07:20 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230726 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230726_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4990090, 712500; 4952590, 752280 | 2023/07/26:10:04:15 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230807 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230807_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4997710, 724020; 4960270, 761580 | 2023/08/07:10:10:52 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230905 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230905_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4990810, 713820; 4953490, 751410 | 2023/09/05:10:10:52 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20230911 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20230911_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4999090, 723570; 4961560, 761760 | 2023/09/11:10:14:02 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20231004 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20231004_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4990300, 713670; 4952980, 751260 | 2023/10/04:10:10:40 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20231125 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20231125_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4989970, 712860; 4952560, 750780 | 2023/11/25:10:07:40 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20240407 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20240407_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4991740, 714670; 4953700, 752620 | 2024/04/07:10:17:30 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |
PRS_20240512 | 3 | Jolanda di Savoia | EO4Nutri/Italy/PRISMA | PRS_L1_STD_OFFL_20240512_geocoded_ENVI_atm.bsq | 4980820, 711380; 4942210, 751100 | 2024/05/12:10:21:02 | L2 Geocoded BOA | EPSG:32632 | nan | geocoded and atmospherically corrected starting from standard level from L1 4-2.1 | EO4NUTRI FTP |