Metadata from Soil Samples
Metadata element | Description | Example |
Unique identifier | sampling year_CROP TYPE_E#esuP#plot_C0 | 2023_CORN_E01P1_C0 2023_RICE_E10P4_C0 2023_WHEAT_E05P2_C0 |
sampledFeature | soil samples for fields cultivated with corn, rice and wheat | - |
sourceLocation | JolandaDi Savoia; coordinate UTM EPSG:32632 735128.25 m E 4974384.83 m N | - |
storageLocation | University of Milano Bicocca | - |
samplingTime | in corn fields: 21-23/03/2023 and 09-11/05/2024 in rice fields: 18-21/04/2023 and 16/05/2024 in wheat fields: 22-24/11/2023 | - |
size | Sample size: about 500 g | - |
SamplingProcedure | for each crop 10 ESU (60mx60m): in each ESU, there are 4 plots each of 15*15 m. For each plot, 5 soil samples were collected from the Ap horizon (0-20 cm) and mixed together forming a unique soil sample per plot. Total soil samples: 40 for each crop type, for a total of 120 samples per year | - |
Procedure | soil texture: sedimentation method (Burt, 2004) available phosphorus: Olsen, 1954 exchangeable cations : extraction with barium chloride-pH 8.1, FAAS determination pH: soil/water ratio 1:2.5 CO & Ntot: elementary analyzer total carbonate: calcimeter available Fe and Zn: extraction with EDTA (pH < 6.5) or EDTPA (pH > 6.5); FAAS determination available S: extraction with acidified ammonium acetate (Rehm and Caidwell, 1968); determination with ion cromatography | - |
observedProperty | Sand, silt and clay; CO; Ntot, pH, total carbonate; Ca2+, Mg+, K+, Na2+;available S-SO4, available P, available Zn, available Fe | - |
result | measured values | - |
unit of measurement | soil texture (sand, silt, clay): g/kg available phosphorus: mg/kg exchangeable cations : cmol(+) kg-1 CO & Ntot: % total carbonate: g/kg available Fe and Zn: mg/kg available S: mg/kg | - |
resultTime | 15.3.2024; last update 14.7.2024 | - |