Metadata elements for documenting spectral measurements collected in the field or lab.

Source: OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20: Observations, measurements, and samples

Metadata element Description Example Source
Unique identifier Unique metadata identifier 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20: Observations, measurements, and samples
observedProperty e.g. canopy or soil reflectance Rice Canopy spectral reflectance (>200 spectral bands) OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20
spatialSample e.g. sample Grid (Elementary Sampling Unit, plots) The measurements have been collected from 10 Elementary Sampling Units (ESU) (10 ESU in total) and in each ESU, there are 4 plots each of 15*15 m OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20
location If location information is provided, the attribute location:Geometry shall be used. Latitude: 44.88333885<br>Longitude: 11.95780087 OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20
procedure Used instrument (observing procedure) Spectral Evolution spectrometer OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20
result Observation: e.g spectral values Spectral values OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20
time When the measurements were carried out 06/21/2023 OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20
startTime Start of the measurements 17:56.4 EO4Nutri
endTime End of the measurements 20:43.0 EO4Nutri
cropGrowthStage Crop growth stage: vegetative, reproductive or maturity, or pre-harvest Maturity Phase EO4Nutri
processingStage Raw spectral measurements or pre-processed Mean spectral measurements EO4Nutri